We are delighted to have the opportunity to nominate some of our poems for various awards and anthologies. In some cases, we have nominted prose poems under the umbrella of flash or shortform prose in hopes that we can share these pieces with a larger audience.
Huge congratulations to Sian Meades-Williams whose poem “Method for a Sunday roast” from Issue 2 was selected for inclusion in Best Microfictions 2024, crossing the prose poem/microfiction divide.
Congratulations to these poems and authors who have been nominated for the following awards and anthologies:
Forward Prizes for Poetry
- 2000 Years BCC by Oz Hardwick
- Pub #6 by Paige Elizabeth Wajda
- The Bagworm by Kunjana Parashar
Best Small Fictions
- 2000 Years BCC by Oz Hardwick
- Pub #6 by Paige Elizabeth Wajda
- The Bagworm by Kunjana Parashar
- The Relevance of Evenings’ by Ilse Pedler
- Unknown Provenance by Oz Hardwick
Best Microfictions
- Method for a Sunday Roast by Sian Meades-Williams
- Salmon by Alexina Dalgetty
- Owl Hour by Katherine Gordon
- George’s Dream by Hugh Findlay
- Touch the Joy by Rina Palumbo
Pushcart Prize
- 2000 Years BCC by Oz Hardwick
- Pub #6 by Paige Elizabeth Wajda
- The Bagworm by Kunjana Parashar
- The Magician by Vasvi Kejriwal
- The Relevance of Evenings’ by Ilse Pedler
- Winter with garlic by Adam Stokell