Doppelgänger From Another Era

Doppelgänger From Another Era
by Karen Neuberg

She’s lovely, her child face framed in a white cap and wearing a ghostly gown through which the landscape can be seen. Small green birds flit about. A red blossom peeks from her right hand as a hummingbird dips a slender beak into the flower’s trumpet. I venture into the stream of time and meet her and we walk to the house not visible in the scene. Nine birds follow as she and I stroll home together, chatting gaily until I no longer perceive if I am her are she or she is me.


Karen Neuberg lives in Brooklyn, NY and is the author of the full-length poetry collection, PURSUIT (Kelsay Press) and the chapbook “the elephants are asking” (Glass Lyre). Her poems have recently appeared in MAINTENANT 17, SurVision, and Unbroken. She is the associate editor of the poetry journal First Literary Review-East.

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