
by Lori Cramer

Surrounded by our closest friends, who’ve somehow managed (at least so far) to avoid taking sides, I feign interest in the ballgame on TV, careful not to glance in your direction as I ruminate on your greeting, the quick brush of your warm, soft lips against my cheek, the two of us in close proximity for the first time since that overcast afternoon when we met up at our formerly favorite coffee shop so we could exchange miscellaneous items we’d nonchalantly left behind at the other’s apartment when we’d assumed—incorrectly, we now know—that our love would last.


Lori Cramer’s short prose has appeared in Fictive Dream, Flash Boulevard, The Meadowlark Review, Unbroken Journal, Whale Road Review, and elsewhere. Her work has been longlisted for the Wigleaf Top 50 and nominated for Best Microfiction. Links to her writing can be found at Twitter: @LCramer29.

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